Alba Festival Composition Program
Dr. McKinley is the founder and Director of the Alba International Music Festival Composition Program. The program, open to all composers, is held annually in concurrence with the two-week annual music festival in Alba, Italy in late May.
Private Lessons

Dr. McKinley accepts a small number of students for private instruction in composition, arranging, orchestration, jazz and classical music theory, and electronic music applications such as Ableton, Reason, and Max/MSP. Contact Dr. McKinley for more information.
Classes Taught and Curriculum Developed
Dr. McKinley has developed curriculum and taught a wide range of courses in music during his professional teaching career in higher education. Currently Associate Professor of Music Composition, Theory, and Technology at Roger Williams University, Dr. McKinley has held teaching positions at The University of Tennessee School of Music, Washington and Lee University, and Indiana University East.
Course List
Roger Williams University • Associate Professor of Music Composition, Theory, and Technology
Director of the Roger Williams Center for Electronic, Computer, and Experimental Music
Basic Musicianship (MUSIC 170)
Music Theory & Composition I (MUSIC 270)
Music Theory & Composition II (MUSIC 370)
Music Theory & Composition III (MUSIC 470)
Aural Skills I, II, III (MUSIC 271, 371, 471)
Applied Composition Instruction (MUSIC 234, 239)
The Art of Rock and Roll (MUSIC 161)
Evolution of Jazz (MUSIC 121)
Jazz History and Styles (MUSIC 261)
Introduction to Music and Technology (MUSIC 220)
Electronic and Computer Music I (MUSIC 320)
Introduction to Sound Design (COMM 299)
The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the 20th Century (MUSIC 299)
University of Tennessee School of Music • Visiting Lecturer of Music Theory and Composition
Music Theory I (MUTH 110)
Music Theory III (MUTH 210)
Form and Styles (MUSC 540)
Music Notation and Transcription (MUTC 340/ MUTC 540)
Washington and Lee University • Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Composition
Advanced Composition (MUS-361)
Senior Thesis in Composition (MUS-473)
Music Theory I (MUS-161)
Music Theory II (MUS-162)
Music Theory III (MUS-260)
Seminar Topics: The Music of Stravinsky, Bartok, and Ives (MUS-295)
Seminar Topics: Bitches Brew—Miles Davis and The Birth of Jazz Fusion (MUS-296)
Indiana University East • Assistant Professor of Music; Music Program Coordinator
Applied Composition (MUS-K300 & K110)
Composition Seminar; Composition Workshop (MUS-K415; K132)
Music Notation Workshop (MUS-K140)
Instrumentation Workshop (MUS-K240)
Orchestration and Arranging (MUS-K312)
Music Theory I (MUS-T113)
Music Theory II (MUS-T114)
Music Theory III (MUS-T213)
Music Theory IV (MUS-T214)
Introduction to MIDI and Computer Music (MUS-K361)
Electronic and Computer Music I (MUS-K430)
Music, Sound, and Computers (MUS-Z310)
Special Topics: Sound Art Design (FINA-U401)
History of Music I (MUS-M403)
History of Music II (MUS-M404)
Introduction to Contemporary Music (MUS-M430)
Music for the Listener (MUS-M174)
Special Topics: Blues and Funk: James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis and Beyond (MUS-Z103)
History of Jazz (MUS-Z393)
University of Minnesota • Graduate Teaching Assistant and Instructor
Fundamentals of Music
Sophomore Ear Training & Keyboard Harmony
Rock I: Origins to 1970
Rock II: 1970 to the Present
Director of the Roger Williams Center for Electronic, Computer, and Experimental Music
Basic Musicianship (MUSIC 170)
Music Theory & Composition I (MUSIC 270)
Music Theory & Composition II (MUSIC 370)
Music Theory & Composition III (MUSIC 470)
Aural Skills I, II, III (MUSIC 271, 371, 471)
Applied Composition Instruction (MUSIC 234, 239)
The Art of Rock and Roll (MUSIC 161)
Evolution of Jazz (MUSIC 121)
Jazz History and Styles (MUSIC 261)
Introduction to Music and Technology (MUSIC 220)
Electronic and Computer Music I (MUSIC 320)
Introduction to Sound Design (COMM 299)
The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the 20th Century (MUSIC 299)
University of Tennessee School of Music • Visiting Lecturer of Music Theory and Composition
Music Theory I (MUTH 110)
Music Theory III (MUTH 210)
Form and Styles (MUSC 540)
Music Notation and Transcription (MUTC 340/ MUTC 540)
Washington and Lee University • Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Composition
Advanced Composition (MUS-361)
Senior Thesis in Composition (MUS-473)
Music Theory I (MUS-161)
Music Theory II (MUS-162)
Music Theory III (MUS-260)
Seminar Topics: The Music of Stravinsky, Bartok, and Ives (MUS-295)
Seminar Topics: Bitches Brew—Miles Davis and The Birth of Jazz Fusion (MUS-296)
Indiana University East • Assistant Professor of Music; Music Program Coordinator
Applied Composition (MUS-K300 & K110)
Composition Seminar; Composition Workshop (MUS-K415; K132)
Music Notation Workshop (MUS-K140)
Instrumentation Workshop (MUS-K240)
Orchestration and Arranging (MUS-K312)
Music Theory I (MUS-T113)
Music Theory II (MUS-T114)
Music Theory III (MUS-T213)
Music Theory IV (MUS-T214)
Introduction to MIDI and Computer Music (MUS-K361)
Electronic and Computer Music I (MUS-K430)
Music, Sound, and Computers (MUS-Z310)
Special Topics: Sound Art Design (FINA-U401)
History of Music I (MUS-M403)
History of Music II (MUS-M404)
Introduction to Contemporary Music (MUS-M430)
Music for the Listener (MUS-M174)
Special Topics: Blues and Funk: James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis and Beyond (MUS-Z103)
History of Jazz (MUS-Z393)
University of Minnesota • Graduate Teaching Assistant and Instructor
Fundamentals of Music
Sophomore Ear Training & Keyboard Harmony
Rock I: Origins to 1970
Rock II: 1970 to the Present